Leaving Behind A Legacy Of Love 

Leaving Behind A Legacy Of Love  by Rev. Sun Myung Moon”As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen” 10 minutes A true life is a life in which we abandon our private desires and live for the public good. This is a truth taught by all major religious leaders past and...

How to Gain Spiritual Help

How to Gain Spiritual Help by Rev. Sun Myung MoonNovember 27, 197815 minutes What attitude do we need to develop in order to move the spirit world? We need to change our concepts. Our attitude is an environment that must be prepared in order to receive spiritual help....

Benediction Prayer (1986)

Benediction Prayer by Rev. Sun Myung MoonApril 12, 1986Little Angels Auditorium in Seoul (Korea)5 minutes Beloved Heavenly Father!  Today, on 12. April 1986, in the Little Angels Auditorium in Seoul, Korea, at the 1st Blessing of Second Generation Blessed Children,...

Challenge and Victory

Challenge and Victory by Rev. Sun Myung MoonCirca 1973Edited by esgd15 minutes Within the life of any individual, there is a difference between his childhood, youth, middle age and old age. Not only in human life is this true, but also in nature. We see four seasons...

Breaking the Barrier

Breaking the Barrier by Rev. Sun Myung MoonDecember 10, 1978 (Belvedere USA)Translator – Bo Hi PakEdited by esgd15 minutes In our world there are many countries and many people living under all different kinds of circumstances. In America alone there are many...

Between Fear and Inspiration

Between Fear and Inspiration by Rev. Sun Myung Moon”As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen” 12 minutes As I grew older and more mature, I became preoccupied with the question, “What will I be when I grow up?” I enjoyed observing and studying nature, so I gave...