SUMMER 2024 Apply as staff

If you would like to be staff at one of the summer activities apply here. We very much appreciate each person offering to help, however please be aware that not all requests will be possible to accommodate due to the number of applications we may receive.

The final staff arrangements will be partly determined by the size of the workshops and the number of staff applications, so please do apply, but know that we cannot confirm all staff applications or arrangements until we have a clearer picture of registrations. We will send you a confirmation email at the end of June with further information to your address provided at the registration. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Summer Workshops 2025

Summer Workshops 2025

Summer 2025 dates:
ODP+ workshop: 20th – 30th July 2025 
Senior+ workshop: 16th – 24th August 2025
ROOTS 22+ workshop: 27th – 31th August 2025

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