Re-generation: Here I am/Called/Found

Summer Motto 2023

Our collective story began with a call and a response. Between God and a 16-year old boy praying in tears on Mount Myodu. Between God and His prophets, saints and countless people of faith. Between God and each of our parents.

Where are you?” asked God.
Hineni”, answered Abraham, Moses and Isaiah: “here I am”.

His question remains as an eternal echo through the ages. A whisper in our hearts, a timeless call to each one of us.
Where am I? Where are you? Where are we as a community of Blessed Children?
In taking our turn to respond, we decide how God’s story will continue.

This summer motto is a call to re-group and re-generate. To reconnect to the calling and the responses of God’s people of the past and present. To reconnect to the ideal of the family and community, not just our personal success and achievements. To answer the call of a true spiritual path, not just a career path. The call to search inwardly and consider that what we are looking for is already within us.

Let’s transcend society’s identification of us as Gen-Z/Millennials/or whatever label is forced upon us. We are not insignificant. We do not need to be lost or confused. Let’s support each other to respond to our present realities; to find new ways to live for the sake of others, and for a purpose greater than ourselves. So that we can say with greater peace and clarity: “Here I am. Called. Found.”

Re-generation: noun [ U ]
1. The act of something growing or being grown again.
2. The act of improving a place or system, especially by making it more active or successful.