True Love and True Marriage

True Love and True Marriage by Rev. Sun Myung MoonAugust 21, 2004 Seoul (Korea)Edited by esgd12 minutes Now is the time for you, as you enter the time after the coming of Heaven, to practice Heaven’s truth in your family and nation in order to prepare for your eternal...

The Selection of the Spouse

The Selection of the Spouse by Rev. Sun Myung MoonBlessing and Ideal FamilyEdited by esgd25 minutes WHO DETERMINES THE SPOUSE? From the viewpoint of the Principle of Creation, God and the parents created the spouse. Therefore, in following the law of recreation, it is...

Strengthen the Power of your Conscience

Strengthen the Power of your Conscience by Rev. Sun Myung Moon1995, Unification Theological SeminaryNew York (USA)Edited by esgd10 minutes The message I want to convey to you today is: strengthen the power of your conscience to possess the true love of God.  To...

Significance of the Blessing 

Significance of the Blessing  by Rev. Sun Myung MoonThe Way for a True ChildEdited by esgd25 minutes Section 1. The Way of Parents and Children of the Blessed Families The Significance of the Blessing & the Value of Blessed Families  What is the Blessed...

Peace Message 10

Peace Message 10 by Rev. Sun Myung MoonNovember 21, 2006. Ilsan (Korea)Edited by esgd21 minutes To commemorate this significant day and renew our resolve, I would like to convey Heaven’s words on the subject of “The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics, which Is...

Our Standard of Love & Purity

Our Standard of Love & Purity by Rev. Sun Myung MoonMarch 1, 1981 (Belvedere USA)Translator – Bo Hi PakEdited by esgd15 minutes When we narrow down “our standard,” it becomes “my standard.” When we broaden it, it becomes the “world standard.” Where do we...