Becoming the second Reverend Moon

Becoming the Second Reverend Moon by Rev. Sun Myung MoonMay 19, 1984. East Garden (USA)Edited by esgd15 minutes In what way do you make your recommitment? There are only two options: one is, I want to accomplish the goal, but I want to save my skin first. The other...

Historical Children’s Day

Historical Children’s Day by Rev. Sun Myung MoonOctober 28, 1981. World Mission Center (USA)Translator – Bo Hi PakEdited by esgd40 minutes (4 parts of 10 minutes) PART 1 We are celebrating the 22nd Children’s Day today. We have several major celebrations in...

The Secret of Total Success

The Secret of Total Success by Rev. Sun Myung MoonDecember 19, 1982. Belvedere (USA)Translator – Bo Hi PakEdited by esgd7 minutes God is looking at His children and telling them, “I want you to be the very best child.” What is the standard by which God...

ESGD is now ESGD

ESGD is now ESGD As the ESGD, we have been taking stock. We are commemorating 25+ years of offering education and care rooted in the Divine Principle, and the values and ideals of True Parents. There have been significant challenges to navigate over the years but our...

Good and Evil – WSII

Good and Evil – WSII World Scripture IISelected by esgd12 minutes INTRO How can we distinguish good from evil? Are there universal indicators behind, within, or consequent upon an action by which one can determine whether it was a good or an evil act? What is the...